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Education Champion Network

Girma Admasu Mezemer

Executive Director and Co-Founder, Positive Action for Development (PAD) Champion since 2023
Improving girls’ access to safe, quality education

The Issue

Social norms stand as a major obstacle for young women and girls seeking education and basic human rights. There’s a lack of girl friendly systems and facilities. Also, girls are unsafe as they journey to school because of gender-based violence, sexual abuse and kidnappings. They are also unsafe in schools due to school related gender-based violence including corporal punishment and sexual abuse from teachers and peers.

Girma’s approach

Girma Admasu Mezemir is the Executive Director and Co-Founder of PAD. He created the organisation to understand better and improve his society. He also aims to contribute to the alleviation of complex social and economic issues affecting communities across Ethiopia. With his experience in development, human rights and governance, advocacy, and monitoring and evaluation, Girma works across the national and local levels to improve the lives of young people and their access to education. The activist also holds degrees in Sociology and Social Anthropology, and Rural Development, and is currently a PhD Fellow in two disciplines focused on Development.

With its grant, PAD aims to impact as many as 1100 girls and help create a supportive environment for them to access safe, quality education, complete their studies and consequently improve their futures. The organisation hopes to strengthen collaboration among stakeholders, NGOs, private sector groups, religious groups and communities to ensure more progress for girls in the Oromia Region. The organisation also looks forward to centering girls’ voices and their advocacy efforts.

More about Girma

There are 7 other Education Champions working in Ethiopia.